Renovation of a Residence
The company Energy Buildings with professionalism and consistency undertakes the total or partial renovation, repair, configuration or complete construction of your house, satisfying your needs for a functional and beautiful space always at the most advantageous prices.
Offered services:
- Meeting with an engineer of our company to assess the condition of the property and record the required work
- Presentation of a proposal and alternatives for the upcoming changes
- Selection of materials, study of the spaces to be renovated as well as creation of application plans and three-dimensional photorealistic illustrations
- Scheduling and elaboration of a timeline
- Construction of a project with a supervisor and coordinating engineer during the process
- Delivery of the project based on the agreed timeline
Renovation of a Working space
Our company, respecting the financial budget and the needs of every professional, undertakes the renovation of spaces of every category and size.
Offered services:
- Meeting with an engineer for disgusting the needs and the overview of the space to be configured
- Complete mapping of the space to be configured and presentation of architectural design
- Presentation of an economical proposal and elaboration of a work timeline
- Construction of a project with a supervisor and coordinator engineer throughout the works
- Delivery of project according to the pre-agreed timeline
The company Energy Buildings has in its potential a stable team of specialized in the field of renovation of professional spaces engineers, experienced craftsmen and permanent collaborators of all specialties, and undertakes the renovation of your professional space according to the modern decoration trends and your personal desires.
Our company will be near you with absolute professionalism, in order to design and build the house you have imagined. Our experienced engineers will be by your side from the choice of the location of the property until the completion of the project..
Offered services:
- Meeting with an engineer of our company to configure the design style of your house, according to your needs, preferences and building restrictions of the property area
- Presentation of an economiacal proposal based on a certain construction schedule
- Detailed design and issuance of a building permit
- Construction and project supervision according to the approved plans
- Delivery of the project according to the scheduled timeline